NRDC Action Votes Reminds Texans That Senator Ted Cruz Was Only One of Two Senators to Oppose Replacing Lead Pipes in Schools

October 24, 2024 – Washington, D.C. – NRDC Action Votes today announced new ads reminding Texas voters that Ted Cruz was one of only two Senators to vote against replacing lead pipes in schools. The ads come as part of NRDC Action Votes’ Safe Drinking Water Is on the Ballot Week that features activations in key races in other major battlegrounds in New York, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. 

“In an era of polarization and division, 98% of the United States Senate said keeping children safe was a bipartisan priority.There is no safe level of lead, but Ted Cruz voted to continue to jeopardize the health of Texas children,” said Jocelyn Steinberg, Director of NRDC Action Votes. “At every turn, Ted Cruz misses the mark to fight for Texas families because of his self-interest  - whether he’s fleeing to Cancun during the grid failure crisis or betraying our children by refusing to protect them from lead poisoning in their own schools.”

In 2021, when Cruz voted against the  Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Act of 2021, over 71% of Texas schools tested found toxic lead. Lead contamination in drinking water can cause irreparable harm to children and cause significant health problems in adults. Cruz opposed lead pipe replacement legislation despite more than 130 Texas businesses, and over 360 local officials reached out to him. Republican Sen. Cornyn supported the legislation. 

Congressman Collin Allred said it in the Senate debate, “Understand when Sen. Cruz says he’s pro-life, he doesn’t mean yours.”  

The NRDC Action Votes ads will run in the Dallas Morning News and Houston Chronicle


Paid for by NRDC Action Votes and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

NRDC Action Votes is an independent expenditure political committee affiliated with the NRDC Action Fund. It works to avert dangerous climate change, support healthy people and thriving communities, and conserve and protect nature and wildlife.